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The fact that you’re here means you’re saying yes - yes to you and yes to finding your own truth and inner wisdom. My deepest welcome. 


Working with me is all a journey
to find you.


More About Jennifer:

  • Certified Laughter Yoga Leader
    (CLYL) (September 2015)

Let’s get one thing straight:  I am not here to fix you or to heal you.


I am here to invite you to find your inner guidance. To connect with the deepest part of yourself in order to live the life you came here to live. 


And I know you are seeking more, wanting more and yearning for more.


I believe that this journey called life is one of continuous expansion and connecting to your own innate wisdom will be a practice that will serve to guide you long term.


But seeking answers, guidance and direction from areas outside of ourselves really is kinda bullshit.


I was there. At one point, I was searching for others to tell me what to do. Searching for the answers outside of myself and that got me more confused and more frustrated because none of their advice, direction or conjecture was helpful.

What did help was their stories and how they were showing up in the world. Those people who are authentic, helped. They showed me that following my own inner wisdom and connecting to that was the path.


You are the only one who truly knows what you deeply desire and want from this life.


And so, I honed my tools and practices so that I could connect to why I choose this body, this time and this place to spend several decades exploring.


Now, I  help people just like you to find your way on your path, by  introducing you to very tools that have helped me connect to my deepest wisdom.


You will know which ones resonant with you and which ones don’t.

Remember, take what serves and discard the rest.

I started noticing changes:

I went from having to-do lists longer than my day..

To finding balance in reflecting on what is important now.

From feeling so overwhelmed I didn’t want to get out of bed...

To finding joy in the simplest things.

From struggling with deservedness... 

To knowing I am worth it

From screwing up and then beating myself up for YEARS afterwards...

To owning the fact I am the architect of my own life and that my screw ups were some of my most important life lessons. what is important now. 

From suffering in silence...

To speaking my truth more
and more every day. 

From thinking I had to do it all by myself..

To asking for help and
collaborating with others. 

From craving recognition from others to make me feel whole...

To being my own hero. 

From struggling with my weight and body image..

To learning about the importance of NOURISHING my body and fuelling it with the best nutrition on the planet. 


Work one on one with Jen

  • Executive Coaching

  • Mentoring

  • Akashic Records

  • Reiki

  • Soul Journaling 

  • Cacao Ceremony

  • Shamanic Journeying

& Group Programs with Jen

  • Intentional Joy Workshop

  • Wise Woman Program

  • Joy Gatherings

  • Nature Connections

Want to learn more? Book your free discovery call to speak with Jen about your individual journey.

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Intentional You Coaching and Consulting proudly brought to you by Jennifer Klatt and serving you since 2016

© Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved

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