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who exactly is this mini-workshop for?

great question!


​This workshop is designed for those of you who want to laugh again (the kind where you almost pee your pants laughing.)  For people who are wanting to actually enjoy the journey of life and not just share memes about it on social media.  It is for the person who has that feeling like there is more to life out there.  For those who have this niggling feeling that life is passing you by and wondering when the fun is going to start.  It is for you if you are ready to really live life again


​I also want to tell you who this workshop is NOT for:


  • if you already have all of the answers to life and want to preach about it, but are not living it - this is not for you!

  • if you want to tell me all the reasons why this won't work for you - this is not for you!

  • if you are not coachable or open to new ideas - this is not for you!

  • if you do not want to change or do any of the work - this is not for you!


how much does this thing cost?

now we are getting there!


the mini-workshop investment is...


3 hours total group training and community building with Jen and Callie (this training is live, and will not be recorded, cause really who goes back to watch it again anyways?)


you will have homework each week!  Just a heads up.  Living your best life is not about learning new things, it's about trying new things.  That’s what makes this workshop different than others you have taken.  Here we have built-in accountability to substantially increase the likelihood of actually living into the life you design!


the price is $59 + GST CDN for this mini-workshop


we designed this to be delivered over

3 weeks to make sure you have time to absorb the information, try using the concepts and tools, and are able to ask questions about what worked and what did not work.


when exactly is this mini-workshop?

another great question!


this mini-workshop will be delivered through zoom.


November 30th | 7pm CST

December   7th | 7pm CST

December 14th | 7pm CST


this will be live training with Jen and will not be recorded, so when you register make sure that you can move things around and be there for all 3 sessions.


Be prepared to learn, to share, to have your cameras on.  This is an interactive workshop, so if you are looking to hide out in the corner there is probably another training that is more suited for your learning needs.  


why do I even need this mini-workshop?

the best question yet!


if you are exhausted all the time because you never take time for yourself - you need this mini-workshop!


if you are a bit bored with your life - you need this mini-workshop!


if you do things because you have to and not because you want to - you need this mini-workshop!


if you give all of your time to make your family happy, but you feel like you have nothing left to give to yourself - you need this workshop!


if you feel like you are always on autopilot and haven't laughed in days or weeks - you fundamentally need this mini-workshop!


if you find that you have lost the zest for life that you once had - you absolutely need this mini-workshop!


what exactly will I be learning here?

damn you ask great questions!


each workshop will have tools, tips, tricks, and homework.  Yep, homework is included in this workshop.


Because if you are looking to design the life that lights you the fuck up, that means you will have to try new things out, you will have to get out of your comfort zone.  Likely you are reading this because what you are doing right now is not working out as you want it to.  If it was, you would be happily enjoying your life and finding ways to take adventures even in light of being smack dab in the middle of a pandemic.


Session 1 | I this session is designed to look at how you are showing up in your life.  I bet you are going through life with little or no designed intention of what you want to create, experience, or enjoy.  If you are, that is totally normal and you are not the only one.  We are going to work to shift that.  There are a few cool tools and exercises we will be playing with to get really clear about what success in life looks like for you.


Session 2 | we will be looking at how to shift your perspective in your life.  This session will be all about mindset and how our thoughts determine our quality of life.  Our habits are a product of our thoughts, our automatic emotions and our automatic action over a period of time.  We will look at how your current habits serve you and if you need to focus on developing new habits that will focus you in the right direction of the life you want to live.  


Session 3 | all about empowering yourself  This session is all about accountability.  The first two sessions will be focused on dreaming again, building habits to support your dream, but this session will shift to what does personal accountability look like for you.  There is nothing worse than dreaming again then doing nothing about it.  That leaves us feeling fucking worse than before we had a new dream for our life.  We want you to leave these 3 weeks feeling empowered, lit up, and committed to taking 


Just a warning here, what success looks like to you is not the same as what success looks like for everyone. In each session, we will explore how different people need different things to do their best.  This is not about changing who you are, but all about creating a safe environment to help you design, live and enjoy the fuck out of your life!


what else do I need to know?

keep asking great questions!


there is no exact formula, process, or magic pill for living a life you love.  I hate to burst your bubble.  Now that being said, maybe you are thinking, why should I invest my time into this mini-workshop then?  Again, another insightful question.  


Your definition of a successful life constantly shifts, because as humans we are also constantly shifting.  And you are here to enjoy the fuck out of this life!  But training like this is all about building relationships, pushing your comfort zone, trying new techniques.  Training and continuous learning keep your dreams, your life, and your enjoyment of that life journey top of mind


What we focus on expands, so if you are focusing on enjoying life, having fun, and growing as a person you will be open to new concepts in the mini-course.  


Another thought for you, people who squeeze the juice out of life never stop growing.  It does not matter how old you are, the best of us continue to learn, to grow, and have fun doing it!  

A New Way to Lead - waitlist
A New Way to Lead - waitlist
Date and Time TBD (March 2021)
Zoom Access
I'm ready for the weekend.  Are you___._
Callie (1).png

We are Jen and Callie and we are so glad you have found you way here!


We guarantee that if you are open and ready to do some work, you will get so much value from this training!  


Can't wait to see you there!

Get registered and let's do this!

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